Whether you're looking to fan, lift, convey, transfer, or stack/destack metal, our full line of sheet fanners, lifting magnets, conveying systems, and end-of-arm tooling can increase your production speeds and operator safety.

Transporter® Cylinder Actuated Magnets
Our patented Transporter® utilizes a powerful, rare earth permanent magnet to pick and place heavy, non-flexing steel items, such as truck frames, or other rigid parts in automated transfer or manually operated material handling applications.

Transporter® LP
The Low Profile Transporter® LP magnetically transfers metal blanks, stampings and parts in automated station to station, press-to-press transfer and robotic pick and place systems. Typical applications include stamped parts, tailor welded blanks, body panels and refrigerator door panels.

Transporter® MagVac
From the platform of its most successful product ever, IMI introduces a new product to the Transporter® Family, the Transporter® MagVac- a combination of magnetic and vacuum technology.

Permanent Magnetic Sheet Fanners
Our standard permanent and electromagnetic Sheet Fanners and Separators are designed to separate steel sheet stock.

Electromagnetic Sheet Fanners
Electromagnetic Sheet Fanners eliminate die-damaging, double-blanking problems in automated sheet handling operations. A powerful electromagnetic field automatically separates the sheets. As fast as the top sheet is removed, the next sheet instantly moves up.

Magnetic SheetSeeker®
IMI's new lightweight SheetSeeker® fanner is a breakthrough in magnetic sheet separation technology!

Low Profile Conveyors
Low Profile conveyors from Industrial Magnetics, Inc. are available in magnetic or non-magnetic models in a variety of sizes to meet your application.

Transfer Conveyors
IMI's Magnetic Transfer Conveyors are ideal for automating metal sheet handling in a variety of industries, such as Automotive, OfficeFurniture and Appliance.